The academy despises the IDEA of self-promotion while rewarding those who do it in properly academic ways. This is just one of the many classist elements of academia. Those who decide to leave the academy need to face and overcome the shaming around self-promotion. In this episode, Karen and Kel tell you how, with special attention to LinkedIn. We get it, it feels yucky at first. But LinkedIn is no different than your academic cover letter–it puts your skills and aptitudes out there, for potential employers. Don’t hesitate to use it, and more importantly, don’t allow yourself to be stymied and quelled by elitist academic value judgments – others’ and your own.
Kel and Karen surveyed search committees this week and they had a LOT to say about what they wish you, the job seekers, would...
This episode, recorded prior to the pandemic, delves into coping with the inevitable disappointments of the academic life, whether it’s the job, or the...
Adjuncts have almost entirely replaced full time faculty positions in the contemporary university system, and most adjunct positions are exploitative. Karen and Kel talk...