Karen and Kel launch the new project of revisiting our core job market advice with an eye to its gaps around racism and the experience of BIPOC scholars. We begin with the first section of the Professor Is In book, which discusses the “big lie” of graduate school. We dive into all the ways that graduate admissions and graduate training privilege whiteness and marginalize Black scholars and other scholars of color. We question what the current uprisings mean for campuses and whether meaningful change can actually happen. While as white people we cannot know what it’s like to be a BIPOC scholar in the academy, to the best of our ability we will search out places where we can correct prior gaps, silences, or misinformation around issues of race and racism.
We talk breaking points. Kel suggests to anyone feeling they’ve reached the breaking point at the end of the semester: pause, and appreciate that...
Today we are joined by Dr. Chris Catarine, author of the new book Leaving Academia: A Practical Guide (2020). Karen loves this book so...
In this episode we share a 2-part practice from Kel and a saying from Karen’s mom, to help you challenge your toxic relationship to...