We are delighted to bring the remarkable Allante Whitmore onto the show. The founder of Black and In Grad School (https://www.blkingradschool.com/), Allante, an Engineering PhD student at Carnegie Mellon, and proud HBCU alumna, shares with us her motivations for creating her podcast and website and annual summit helping Black grad students succeed in the academy. We talk time management, finding supporters, good boundaries, code switching, the all-important difference between rest and restorative practices, and how Allante finds grad school inspiration in rap. Kel and Karen just listen in awe.
Karen and Kel talk about the 7 ways the academy resembles a cult and how that creates a debilitating culture of shame around productivity...
We continue with the three-part examination of getting stuck and unstuck. Last week we talked about the Island of Perfectionism. Today we talk the...
In this episode we share a 2-part practice from Kel and a saying from Karen’s mom, to help you challenge your toxic relationship to...