This episode, recorded prior to the pandemic, continues our deep dive into coping with the inevitable disappointments of the academic life, whether it’s the job, or the grant, or the publication… or the whole career that just didn’t pan out. The second of a two-part series, it introduces tools 7-12 for managing disappointment in ways that academia never teaches us. The tools: 7) changing expectations from outcome to process; 8) Take a break 9) Get outside your head and do something for others 10) Find a small step forward 11) Build up self-esteem 12) Recover some energy by connecting with your support team.
Along the way Karen and Kel talk perspective, off-switches, bunnies and their blank, bulbous eyes, and combating perfectionism.
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Because of COVID19 and the economic fallout, 2020 academic hiring is dead in the water. Karen created a crowdsource list of hiring freezes in...
Today we are joined by Dr. Chris Catarine, author of the new book Leaving Academia: A Practical Guide (2020). Karen loves this book so...
What do you do when you get stuck? Kel has found that her coaching clients tend to devolve into a spiral of self-loathing. But...