Ep. 2:38 This Summer: Be Kind To Yourself

May 13, 2021 00:27:39
Ep. 2:38 This Summer: Be Kind To Yourself
The Professor Is In
Ep. 2:38 This Summer: Be Kind To Yourself

May 13 2021 | 00:27:39


Show Notes

Summer is imminent… but, are you even ready? How to even think about it after the trauma of the past year or more? Karen and Kel talk about lightening your load, taking things off your list, and keeping an eye on your BIG goal, which might be “getting healthy” or “leaving the academy,” or “finding gainful employment.”  The key is to keep reducing the demands on yourself until you’ve targeted the least you can do, and the most you can rest, while still moving incrementally toward that larger goal. Most of all: just rest.




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