Karen and Kel interrupt regularly scheduled programming to amplify the Black writers, scholars, and activists they follow and learn from on a daily basis. Here is the list, with Twitter handles, in approximate order: Alishia McCullough (IG @blackandembodied) and Jessica Wilson (IG @jessicawilson.msrd); [the rest are Twitter] Brittany Williams (@DrBritWilliams); Brittany Packnett Cunningham (@msPackyetti); Ijeoma Oluo (@ijeomaoluo); Tressie McMillan Cottom (@TressieMcPhD); Roxane Gay (@rgay); Mikki Kendall (@Karnythia); Brittany Cooper (@ProfessorCrunk); Kimberle Crenshaw (@sandylocks); Samuel Sinyangwe (@samswey); Clint Hill Smith III (@ClintsmithIII); Ibram X Kendi (@DrIbram);
PhDivas Podcast (@PhDivas); Chanda Prescod-Weinstein (@ibjiyongi); Zoe (@ztsamudzi); Tricia Matthew (@TriciaMatthew); Carol Anderson (@ProfCAnderson); Nyasha Junior (@NyashaJunior); Ruha Benjamin (@ruha9); Imani Perry (@imaniperry)
What do you do when you get stuck? Kel has found that her coaching clients tend to devolve into a spiral of self-loathing. But...
In the cataclysm of COVID19 and temporary or permanent closure of lines, programs, and whole institutions, academics at every stage, from grad school through...
One episode wasn’t enough to talk about burnout in the academy. Juxtaposing the WHO definition of burnout with a definition Karen read, that burnout...