Ep. 3:3 - Play To Your Strengths

September 28, 2021 00:35:48
Ep. 3:3 - Play To Your Strengths
The Professor Is In
Ep. 3:3 - Play To Your Strengths

Sep 28 2021 | 00:35:48


Show Notes

What do you do when you get stuck? Kel has found that her coaching clients tend to devolve into a spiral of self-loathing. But that doesn’t work; it’s just not very motivating! So Kel asks: why does the academy tell us we must automatically be good at every single thing we try in the academic career, and how can we get past that when we find ourselves stuck? Drawing from their newfound love of lap swimming this past summer, Karen and Kel talk about taking an inventory of your strengths and your places needing development, and then learning to use places of strength to explicitly shore up and development the weaker skills. Basically, when you are pushing and pushing and getting no results, draw from a different set of resources. Both resources within yourself, and those offered by external sources of help.

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