Are you struggling with Imposter Syndrome, or are the people in power continually making you feel like an imposter? Black women in particular are told in countless ways you don’t belong. Kel and Dr. Jane Jones from UpIn Consulting talk confidence and competence, especially among marginalized communities in academia. Dr. Jones shares the things she’s found that work in fighting the confidence-sappers, remembering your true competence, and accessing your own power.
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Karen and Kel stay on the theme of “never enough”; this week, they talk about how the academy revolves around” competitive overworking,” and how...
When you think about academia like a garden, the analogy clarifies a lot of things. First off, not every plant can thrive in every...
Continuing from Part I last week, Karen and Kel continue sharing 12 strategies for confronting disappointment in a healthy and productive way, targeted to...