Ep 2:34: How to Get Unstuck

April 12, 2021 00:30:46
Ep 2:34: How to Get Unstuck
The Professor Is In
Ep 2:34: How to Get Unstuck

Apr 12 2021 | 00:30:46


Show Notes

If you’ve been wondering how to bring some semblance of productivity back to your life, this episode is for you. Karen and Kel introduce Kel’s Unstuck: The Art of Productivity, a 12-module program that combines daily emails, coaching videos, awareness exercises like time-maps, and writing techniques, as well as a community support page, to help you discover what is blocking you from getting your writing (and submitting) done, and learn how to overcome it. And at the end, we give you a way to get a major (and shareable!) discount to join the new May cohort. We talk through the three pillars of the program – telling the truth, realistic expectations, and small measurable goals — and why and how they work to interrupt self-defeating habits, and help you recover a writing life, all with evenings and weekends free.  Unstuck is about getting your writing done, and it’s about reclaiming your confidence and trust in yourself and your work.


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