Self-promotion is a dirty word for academics but it shouldn’t be. People won’t invite you to be part of their scholarly community if they don’t know who they are. And if you don’t curate your digital profile then Google will do it for you–and you don’t want that. Self-promotion encompasses all of these things. Karen and Kel talk tactics for sharing your work with scholars, networking, using social media effectively, highlighting press contacts, and why you need your own website. They also confront the dreaded idea of “building your brand.” Beyond that, though, they talk about the judgment about ambition, especially for women, and how owning your ambition is essential to taking control of your own professional fate, whether in or outside the academy.
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An episode recorded pre-pandemic but even more relevant now. Karen and Kel talk resisting overwork, and recovering your joy. The key here is detachment...
COVID19 has brought countless losses to academic communities – not just sickness and death, but also the loss of our jobs, our work norms...
[Note: Karen and Kel were on vacation in NYC and recording from a hotel room! Please excuse the tinny sound today and next week;...