Latest Episodes

Ep 2:37 "My Dissertation Is About" and Other Grant-Writing Mistakes
Grant-writing is a craft and it can be learned. The challenge is getting your head in the right space. Just like job applications, it’s...

Ep. 2:36 The Perils of Vocational Awe – An Interview with Fobazi Ettarh
We are delighted to host Fobazi Ettarh, who first created the term “Vocational Awe” and has written extensively on its threats to the health...

Ep. 2:35 Work Won't Love You Back - An Interview with Sarah Jaffe
We are delighted to host Sarah Jaffe, the author of the new book, Work Won’t Love You Back: How Our Devotion to Our Work...

Ep 2:34: How to Get Unstuck
If you’ve been wondering how to bring some semblance of productivity back to your life, this episode is for you. Karen and Kel introduce...

Ep. 2:33: Selling Yourself
Self-promotion is a dirty word for academics but it shouldn’t be. People won’t invite you to be part of their scholarly community if they...

Ep 2:32 The Problem With Passion - Interview with Dr. Erin Cech
Karen and Kel talk to Professor Erin Cech (Sociology, U of Michigan), the author of the forthcoming book, The Problem with Passion (U California...