Ep 2:40 Resisting the Culture of Overwork

June 07, 2021 00:37:37
Ep 2:40 Resisting the Culture of Overwork
The Professor Is In
Ep 2:40 Resisting the Culture of Overwork

Jun 07 2021 | 00:37:37


Show Notes

An episode recorded pre-pandemic but even more relevant now.  Karen and Kel talk resisting overwork, and recovering your joy.  The key here is detachment from your work: neither misery nor joy; just a set of tasks. Put another way:  it’s what you do, not who you are. Drawing from the work of Brene Brown, we dig into the culture of scarcity and the nature of resiliency. In our world of scarcity we wake up in “not enough” (sleep, work, time with kids, writing, etc etc.) and the competitive struggle of academia (“I only slept four hours last night!”).  But accepting the reality of finitude (ie finite time, space, and energy), and gathering your own No Committee, you too can reduce what you agree to do, trim excess, and prioritize your own well being. Put on your own oxygen mask first.


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