Latest Episodes

Ep 3:16 Leaving Academia - All The Cool Kids Are Doing It!
It’s the newest trend! Join the thousands who are saying goodbye (and good riddance?) to the academic career! If you spend any time on...

Ep 3:15 Managing Rejection
Karen and Kel talk about coping with rejection, moving beyond the typical advice to “take a break, come back to it later, etc. etc.”...

Ep. 3:14 Imposter Syndrome
We talk Imposter Syndrome: what it is, why we get it, how to overcome it. We talk about gendered messages, structural racism, and being...

3:13 Lighting Your Fire
We are back! Thank you for your patience! Kel and I needed to rethink the podcast; basically we love to talk TO people, and...

Ep 3:12 Your Breaking Point
We talk breaking points. Kel suggests to anyone feeling they’ve reached the breaking point at the end of the semester: pause, and appreciate that...

Ep. 3:11 "White People, Don't Start That Bullshit!" - Interview with Deja Rollins
Today we are joined by the remarkable Deja Rollins, speaking about performative allyship. Deja, a graduate student in Communications at UIUC, was the standout...