Latest Episodes

Episode 8 – What to Do If You Didn’t Get the Job (Or the Other Thing You Thought Your Future Depended On) – Part 1
Every winter, lots of folks have to confront the reality that they didn’t get the jobs (or grants or publication acceptances) that they’d been...

Episode 7 – Adjuncting Is Bad
Adjuncts have almost entirely replaced full time faculty positions in the contemporary university system, and most adjunct positions are exploitative. Karen and Kel talk...

Episode 6 – Dealing With Rejection
Rejection is inevitable in the academic life, but that doesn’t make it any less painful. Karen and Kel talk about how to manage rejection...

Episode 5 – Why You Need a 5-Year Plan
Fight for your right to plan! Why? Because planning is taking control of your own vision for your career and your life. It’s especially...

Episode 4 – Mastering Your Message for the Interview
Kel and Karen surveyed search committees this week and they had a LOT to say about what they wish you, the job seekers, would...

Episode 3 – Resisting the Culture of Overwork
Karen and Kel stay on the theme of “never enough”; this week, they talk about how the academy revolves around” competitive overworking,” and how...