Recorded the day after the Vice Presidential Debate, this episode delves into Imposter Syndrome and how way too often, women and especially women of color individualize and personalize what are actually structural obstacles meant to impede their success. Drawing inspiration from Sonya Renee Taylor, Karen and Kel talk about how to stay centered in your authenticity and refuse the messages of “not belonging.”
It’s The Great Resignation, and people are departing their shitty jobs in droves. This includes academics, and not just adjuncts. Tenured and tenure track...
Because of COVID19 and the economic fallout, 2020 academic hiring is dead in the water. Karen created a crowdsource list of hiring freezes in...
The #MeTooPhD crowdsource survey we did in 2018 showed that sexual harassment is an epidemic in the academy. Karen and Kel break down why...