Latest Episodes

Ep. 2.19 You Do Have A Particular Set of Skills
We turn to the practical. You have spent years occupying a very narrow space, getting more and more defined by your discipline. In this...

Ep. 2.18: Your Breakup Letter With Academia
Part 3 of our Leaving Your Toxic Relationship With the Academy series. Karen and Kel talk about writing a breakup letter with the academy:...

Ep 2.17 Looking Backward/Looking Forward
So many PhDs who didn’t get the job you dreamed of struggle with regret about past decisions, especially the one to do the PhD...

Episode 2.16: I Hate My Job! Or Do I?
In this episode we share a 2-part practice from Kel and a saying from Karen’s mom, to help you challenge your toxic relationship to...

Episode 2.15 Ready to Stop Digging?
First off, it’s our first podcast episode on the new platform and with a new editor, the amazing Stephanie-Blair Watts of Firehouse Visuals in...

Episode 2.14 – A Hard Reset
In this episode, the final one we record on the Himalaya platform (the podcast will continue, just on a different platform – follow our...